
The death of sorry

There is a time to be polite. There is also a time where saying sorry is not necessary. I have uttered the word ‘sorry’ when it wasn’t even my fault. Someone spills a drink on me; I’m like – “sorry! I was in your way!” I take the last croissant at a café and the person behind me makes a noise. “Oh sorry, did you want that croissant?” BAD LUCK BARRY I DEFINITELY NEED THIS SUGAR HIT MORE THAN YOU, AND MAYBE IF YOU DIDN’T SPEND THE LAST TEN SECONDS BEFORE I GOT HERE TEXTING SOMEONE ‘AS PER MY LAST EMAIL’ THEN YOU WOULD HAVE BAGGED THE LAST ONE. SORRY I’M NOT SORRY.


Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators by Ronan Farrow – Book Review

Content warning: This article mentions sexual assault and harassment. On October 5th, 2017, the New York Times published a report by journalists Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, revealing multiple allegations of sexual harassment against Harvey Weinstein. This article led to the resignation of four members of the Weinstein Company’s board, and ultimately to the firingContinue reading "Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators by Ronan Farrow – Book Review"

Walk for Humanity – raising money for Rohingya refugees

Melbourne’s migrant communities have banded together to raise money for the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Organised by the local Vietnamese community, the recent Walk for Humanity walkathon generated $20,000 to help the UNHCR bring shelter, clean water and medical supplies to those driven from their homes in Myanmar. https://soundcloud.com/user-720457320/walk-for-humanity (Feature image: Participants at the WalkContinue reading "Walk for Humanity – raising money for Rohingya refugees"

Triple R Midday News – Monday September 10, 2018

Triple R Midday Bulletin produced at the RMIT City studios. Police have confirmed the deaths of two-year-old twin girls, their three-year-old sister and their mother and grandmother in Western Australia Labor has proposed a new ‘superhighway’ set to cost $15.8 billion. Papua New Guinea is gearing up to introduce an emergency polio vaccination. Written andContinue reading "Triple R Midday News – Monday September 10, 2018"

The revival of the Elaine Cricket and Tennis Club

The small Victorian country town of Elaine boasts just over 200 people and has struggled to remain viable since the closure of the local school 20 years ago. But a determined band of volunteers, backed by government funding,  has been set on reviving a sense of community through the revival of the local cricket and tennisContinue reading "The revival of the Elaine Cricket and Tennis Club"

‘Bring Jack Home’ – the plight of stranded racing dogs in Macau

“I met a greyhound in the park and saw it running,” Nora Anderson-Dieppe says. “I just thought it was beautiful and got chatting to the owner. I said, ‘Why is she covered in those scars?’” He said, “do you not know much about the racing industry?” Nora Anderson-Dieppe is the founder of Sydney-based volunteer groupContinue reading "‘Bring Jack Home’ – the plight of stranded racing dogs in Macau"


While interning at SBS The Feed in Sydney in March 2018, Simone was involved as an extra in several comedic sketches in between completing other tasks, such as researching and assisting reporters. You can watch them below.  Trumps Trade Tariff: Fight Tariff with Tariff Child Marriage in the USA: How's that still a thing? CodeContinue reading "The Feed on SBS VICELAND"